HBKA provides a range of training courses which are designed to augment the training provided by the local associations across Hertfordshire. These include the following.
- Healthy Bee Day. Provides practical training on how to keep your bees healthy, including how to inspect your bees to detect any problems and what to do if you see anything that doesn’t look right.
- Queen-rearing course. Raising your own queens to improve your stock and to create new colonies is an important part of beekeeping. This all-day course covers the theory and practice of queen rearing and will help you move your beekeeping to the next level.
- Microscopy. We run a range of different microscopy training courses.
- Study groups. If you are studying for the BBKA modules, we run study groups that put you in contact with other students on the same track and supports your learning and revision for the exams.
For details of these and any other training you are interested in, please contact the Herts training officer at training@hertsbees.org.uk.
HBKA provides access to the BBKA practical and module exams. To get an online application form please contact examinations-secretary@hertsbees.org.uk who will email you a link.
BBKA Training
HBKA members can access study units provided by BBKA by using their membership number as a login and creating an account at: https://learning.bbka.org.uk/.